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Funny Pictures!

Here is where we show Funny Pictures! Please DO NOT copy these pictures, unless you are a Penguin Pal, or we give you permission!
Enjoy 😀


Umm…Is it me or is the iceberg getting smaller


You will be banned forever unless you respect all of Spade 13’s acount. Click to enlarge!


Stupid Firefighter sprays Billybob Click to enlarge.

6 Responses

  1. animations, HARD!

  2. -Comment Erased for bad language-

    ~~~♣Spade 13♣~~~

  3. take out the comments don’t erase what they said!

  4. Em spade can i borrow the icberg one with a link to your site

    ~~~♣Spade 13♣~~~ Yeah Sure, but make sure you give me credit!

  5. Hello You have a great popular site. 😀
    If you want to Copy my funny Pictures and
    my song you are welcome to do it! 😛
    Also you can adopt a bub, its like a little web creature.
    Also if you want to you can join a army on clubpenguin. 😎
    It’s called the Ambu. Also could please add me to your blogroll. You don’t have to. if yes my site is http://slimball.wordpress.com 🙂
    And do you wonder where PENNY3532 AND PENGYFROST IS? Well they work on my site! 😮 😎
    So ask me questions about anything.
    Greatfully by
    Slimball2007 :mrgreen:


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